Is genuine awakening possible? For you? For me? In these times? In this life?
Twenty-six hundred years ago, in a time just as challenging as the one we live in today, the Buddha had a simple answer: yes, if we apply ourselves. But how do we apply ourselves, and to what? In one of his most beloved teachings, the Buddha gave a simple and direct answer to this very question. He said,
In the seen, there is only the seen,
in the heard, there is only the heard,
in the sensed, there is only the sensed,
in the cognized, there is only the cognized:
This is how you should train yourself.
In other words, we can train ourselves to be fully present through our sense perceptions. When we see, we just see – but we see truly, wholeheartedly. When we hear a sound, we hear that sound with the full presence of our attention. Same with inhabiting this body and knowing this heart and mind.
Join visiting teacher, nico hase, for an evening of learning to learn how to fully arrive in our senses and discover a simplicity and depth that is hidden in plain sight. Together we will explore what’s available for us, right at the heart of experience, and tap into the joy of being a whole, fully-engaged human.